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Monday, December 26, 2016

An Ode to My Daughter and Her's

Christmas Hope

As Bobby Dylan once said: “The Times They Are a Changing”.

I see it in so many ways, people are just a little nicer, they seem more willing to – be nicer.

Simple things such as a stranger wishing me a Merry Christmas, people smiling a little more for no apparent reason, these are the things of Christmas to me. But what I’m talking about is more than that, deeper than that. It is that undefined something that puts an extra spring in your step that lets you get out of bed with a smile.

It’s something that in the darkest of my black dog days I search for and try to hang onto. It is something that Jesus gave us on the cross and His ascension. HOPE. That Hope is always there, it’s in us like the blood coursing through our veins, and it’s all around us like the air we breathe. Just like the air and our blood, we don’t pay it much attention most of the time. But it is vital to our survival. It is what makes survival worthwhile. 

We should practice it and cherish it for what it is. The miracle that makes us human.

It is at Christmas time that we sometimes get glimpses of it. It is in the old tear jerker hope inspired movies like “It’s a Wonderful Life” and many others where hope and our desperate need for it is found. It is in the little baby’s reaching out to parents when sick – it is the parents reaching back.

We find it more easily when we are struggling, when we need it most. Shouldn’t we use it and nurture it when times are good? Shouldn’t it be a guide then, especially then to keep us on the right path?

Stockings full of candy, paper being ripped off packages to see the gifts inside, mother and dad cooking a hurried breakfast with some extra flourishes even on this the busiest time of the year. That is all a celebration of Hope. A celebration that we have found hope.

That is what makes us human, all of us have the ability to hope for fulfillment and contentment and yes joy, even if we indulge in an excess of exuberance while sharing it. We may seek it in hurtful ways too often but the real beauty/mystery is that if we stop and think - we know what is hurtful and we know we do have a choice.

Thank you God for that and for giving us Your Son ever filling our wellspring of Hope, making an imprint everlasting upon our soul.

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Regards, Bob Carr
Live Dangerously, Tell the Truth

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