Marve Engle our County Commissioner gave a good recap on the negotiations now going on between the Indians, County and village of Fruitport over who gets what of the extra profit money from the new Casino once it starts. The Casino plans on giving I believe it was 2%. That is broken down further then the debate is what % goes to the County and what to the village of Fruitport. Sounds like the process is intense.
Below are pics of the Carmen Group Muskegon. See side bar for further info on the event.
Other things in the news.
Today in Muskegon is The United Way "Day of Caring" See side bar "calendar" for details. This is an all day affair and lot of people show up. Hey there's free breakfast and lunch. The Muskegon County Republican Party will have a good crew on hand. The effort will be spearheaded by David Farhat our County Chair. Our job will be to paint and spruce up the LST down at the Lake. Last year we had around 15 of our bunch show up. I'll be taking pics and posting later.
<<< breaking news >>>> Goeff Hansen today is taping today a segment for "To the Point" a weekly Sunday morning (10am) interview TV show with with Rick Albin as the interviewee. The show is on Wood TV 8 this Sunday at 10am. Tune in to see how Goeff does. More later as I find it out.
It's too bad Goeff had to miss the "Day of Caring" and he sends his regrets, but this was too big to pass up. As you can see from the link above; Rick Albin on To the Point, interviews the top political leaders through out Mi.
Also coming up tomorrow the 12th is Musk. Co. Repubs, fall cleanup on our little stretch of Apple Ave. See Calendar on side bar for details.
Stuff coming Up
I'm hoping to make it to DC on Oct 2-3 for the Defending the American Dream event. Americans for Prosperity is putting it on. Newt Gingrich and Mike Pence with Jim DeMint and a host of other speakers will be there. A breakout session will be about bloggers and I hope to pick up some stuff I can use.
Also in the works is a trip to Jackson Mi. to help Mike Nofs win back the 19th State Senate Seat for the Republicans. The state party is putting this on and is paying for travel and lodging. There are opening still over 3 or 4 different weekends coming up I'm hoping to go the weekend of the 17th in Oct. This is a "Youth Blitz", I explained I was 60 and that didn't bother them. The following is from an email they sent me as to the dates available to go. "Those weekends are the 19th of September, the 3rd of October, the 17th of October, and the 31st of October." See the link above.
Also planning on joining Goeff Hansen and Candidate Darwin Booher on another trip the 5th of Oct to Jackson to do some more door to door. I guess you can figure out by now I think winning back the 19th Senate seat is crucial this Nowvember in itself and would also give a boost to Republican momentum for the 2010 elections.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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