The Logging Festival brought to my mind visions of my youth and logger extraordinaire Paul Bunyon and his Mighty Ox, Babe. Times have changed and the parade has changed along with it, but big and mighty still wows the crowd. The pic below is of a car of which Paul Bunyon would have been proud.
click on all pics to enlarge
What a beautiful day it turned out to be. The crowds were comfortable, neither too hot nor cold. A small breeze was just enough to keep things fresh.
I drove to Newaygo to march in the parade with Team Hansen pictured below. I also went to get to know the area and people better.
One overriding thing I’ve picked up in my recent visits to the Oceana County Fair, 2 Oceana County GOP meetings and now this Newaygo Parade; is that there is one big race in this area and it is for the 100th District State House seat. The other races pale. At all the meetings and events I just listed the three candidates for that seat were there spreading their word.
I will name the candidates in alphabetical order. Jon Bumstead, Jane Drake and Marc Libants. I have more info on them in my side bar on the left. Just click the candidates button and scroll down to the 100th Stat House. With 11 months still left before the primary the excitement in this race is already building.
Below are their pics with their crews who were all large and enthused. This will be an exciting race to follow. The pics are in alphabetical order also.
I’m enjoying getting around to the various County Parties. It feels right. I hope the “Five Counties” will benefit from this. I know I’m learning.
After the parade, Wayne and Jean Bumstead held a picnic to share Jon Bumsteads official announcement that he was entering the race for the 100th. Their house on Water St. over looks the river and was too much to pass up so below is a pic of Jon with Goeff at the event.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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