The parade was pretty short also. The amazing thing was that there were people out watching. The word does get around about these things, and the kids were there with their bags for candy and we gladly filled them. For the size and length of it the people there enjoyed it. Usually we have to be a little careful how much candy we give out. This time however, the kids that were there were getting handfuls.
The kids after all are what the Christmas parade was all about, and at the end. Santa and crew came in all his glory. As it should be, we were just the warm up act for the Headliner. Santa.
Campaigns and the campaigners now put up their gear and turn towards their families and friends. As with Thanksgiving we try to remind ourselves this Christmas what we are campaigning so hard for -- family, hearth and home and the freedom to make and enjoy our lives and raise our kids to do the same.
Marve Engle County Commissioner from the 5th District is hosting the 5th, Fruitport's "Old Fashioned Christmas 2009” Just for that reason. Details below Pictures.

Fruitport Lions Club, Fruitport Schools, Fruitport Township, Village Inn,
Englewood Farms, Fruitport Foods, and Copies and More
An old time holiday celebration with hayrides, outdoor lighted Christmas
Trees, carols being sung by the fire, chili and hot chocolate served at the VFW
And Santa will stop by.
*All Free as a gift to children young and old.
Englewood Farms at the corner of Sheridan and Airline Rd’s
December 16 & 17 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Trees lit at 6:00 pm December 16
Choir sings at 7:00 pm
Chili and hot Chocolate served at the VFW with
Marshmallows by the fire for roasting
Anyone (family, group or business) wishing to decorate a tree should contact Copies and
More (865-6370) before December 10 to be put on the list of participants. If you would
like to participate with a tree but don’t have time to decorate it, a $50.00 donation to the
Fruitport Lions will be given dollar for dollar to a local group to decorate the tree for you.
This is not a partisan affair, but rather a celebration of community and friendship and a nostalgic look back at what Christmas used to be like. From the results of the first one last year – A look at what Christmas can be again. All are welcome.
Time for all to take a little R+R
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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