Anyone who has been in a community group of any kind whether it be Lions,Optimists, or what have you; know that there are usually just a few who end up doing all the work. Half the work seems to be calling memebers to try to get them to volunteer to do some stuff.
Tea Parties and Political parties are no different.

Part of the reason there is a struggle to get people to volunteer is that there is little meaningfull for them to volunteer for. Something that makes them feel like they are making a difference. If there is then then the next problem is that the leadership isn't promoting it properly.
Breaking news from Rasmussen <<<<<<<<<<< edited 4pm 4/12/10>>>>>>>>>
. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/current_events/healthcare/march_2010/health_care_law .
However, once and awhile something just falls in our lap that solves those problems.
Well something has fallen; it's called the Petition Drive for Health Care Freedom. This petition is about getting a question on the ballot whether we in Michigan want a state Constitutional Amendment protecting our right to pick our health care coverage free from penalty.
This whole idea encompasses the anger of overreaching government within our lives. Wendy Day and some key lawmakers have been heading a drive to do just that. The hurdle is to get a ballot initiative on the ballot. To do that we need 381,000 signatures. Normally this would cost over 1 million dollars.
There has been a coalition which has been getting signatures since the kickoff on March 22nd. We only have till June 26th. For this to succeed we actually need 500,000 signatures as there will be many duplicate signatures and others thrown out for various reasons.
This is a grass roots effort. As Wendy Day in the video below says, this is being done on a wing and a prayer. Wendy one of the originators of the first tea party in Michigan again as the video shows provides the solution to the second problem (leadership). PS hat tip to Jason Gilman and his gorup in Manistee, sure looks like they had a nice crowd for their Petition Drive "Kickoff" in Traverse City.
Now it's up to interested groups to get on board and realize that if they are at all Center right in their thinking, this drive is an opportunity to gain volunteers and motivate them. It is a basic question of freedom.
The Tea Party groups were some of the first on board. They realized that this was something the vast majority of their memebers were in favor of. They realized that this could help answer the age old question of "now that I'm a member what can I do".
Well this is something that anyone can do in a big or little way within their own circle of friends or with a small group to help blanket larger events or venues.
This has fallen into the Tea Party lap and now the Republican Party has jumped on board. They realized too that this was a God send for getting younger college age people involved in their organization. This resonates with the majorlity of Americans. This is something that can energize volunteers. I'm thankful to see this. I heard from Fred Bertsch our Co-Coordinator for Muskegon County that he went to the Tea Party Express this weekend to get signatures and saw the place covered by college students getting signatures. He said it did his heart good.
Here is an email from Wendy Day about the Drive so far. Be sure to get on her mailing list. Get with a county coordinator, get some petitions, get some signatures. The links don't copy through but here is a link to her site Michigan Health Care Freedom
This latest update from Wendy
-----email Wendys latest update-----
Michigan Citizens for Healthcare Freedom
Join Our List
Find a Tax Day Tea Party Rally near you!
April 15th
Michigan Activists
Tea Party Patriots
Wendy Day will be speaking in Caro, MI at 3:30!
If you are planning to circulate petitions, check out this short training video:
Circulator Training Video
Have questions? Reply e-mail or call us 517-223-2050
Coalition Members
Caro Tea Party
Tea Party West Michigan
SE MI 9.12
Muskegon Patriots
Ludington Tea Party
9.12 Liberty Tea Party
Retake Our Gov
Michigan Taxpayers Alliance
Wayne County Taxpayers
Common Sense in Government
U.P. Liberty
Michigan Taxes Too Much
SW Michigan Tea Party
Manistee Tea Party
Michigan GOP
Don't see your group listed? Let us know and we will add you to the list!
Dear Robert,
This weekend two exciting things happened in the Michigan Citizens for Healthcare Freedom effort. First, the Republican Party has pledged to help us by working to collect 100,000 signatures. We are excited to add them to the long list of groups and individuals who have committed to working on getting this amendment on the ballot in November.
The GOP Fix-it Centers are willing to serve as drop off locations as well as places to pick up petitions. You can check the website to find a location near you. If you would rather, please feel free to return your petitions to your County Coordinator or group leaders instead. Of course, you can always mail your petitions in to the address on the bottom of your sheet.
Second, the Tea Party Express rolled through Michigan this weekend, providing a prime opportunity for signature gathering. Thousands of signatures were gathered across the state this weekend. April 15th Tea Party Rallies will serve as another great day for circulating petitions.
Did you know:The health care bill provides money for a trust fund to pay for things like sidewalks, bicycle lanes and playground equipment.
At 2,300 pages, not even those who voted for this bill know what is in it. But we will provide you with facts as we get them so you can talk to folks about the realities of the healthcare takeover.
Story from the street: One of our volunteers, Mike, was visiting his local library with his daughter yesterday just after lunch. He saw a man outside gathering signatures for Michigan HCF. When Mike asked the man how many signatures he had, the man replied that he had collected 80 so far. Mike said, "Wow, how long have you been collecting?" The man replied, "Oh, I got these all this morning."
Want to be a circulator? Contact your County Coordinator or us for petitions.
Group Spotlight: The Manistee Tea Party was out in force at the Traverse City Tea Party Express stop this weekend. They were armed with clipboards and petitions and spent the entire event working the crowd. They also had been making the rounds and gathering signatures from candidates running for office. Way to make the politicians take a stand!
If your organization or group wants to join the Michigan Citizens for Healthcare Freedom coalition, let us know.
Many hands make for lighter work; so encourage friends and relatives to gather signatures as well; we would be grateful for any help to achieve our goal of 500,000 signatures.
Please check back to our site, www.michiganhcf.com to get petition pickup and drop-off locations and times. A click-on map will be up by the weekend. If there are big festivals or events in your area in the next few months, let us know so we can make sure to have circulators there.
We are so proud to be standing with you as we fight for freedom!
Wendy Day
Getting Signatures
Wondering where to go to get signatures? There are many events coming up in the next few weeks that are going to be great for getting signatures. You can check out the Michigan Activist Calendar to find events and liberty groups near you.
You also may want to keep a petition with you. One volunteer reported getting signatures at the gas station while pumping gas. Way to multi-task!
Polling shows that almost everyone is mad about the way this bill was passed and/or the content. Let's give them a voice!
Help Us Succeed!
We need your help. If you can donate any amount of money to help this effort, we would be so appreciative! Donate by going to www.michiganhcf.com and make an online donation or mailing check to:
Michigan Citizens for Healthcare Freedom
PO Box 27361
Lansing, MI 48909
Bertsch and I are coordinators for Musk. County call 231-728-3455 for questions or to get and or sign petitions. We will be needing as many people as possible to sign or to get petitions for their friends to circulate. We need people for our Tax Day Tea Party rally in Musk. Feel free to call any time or day.
The Muskegon Patriots are having their 2nd Tax Day Tea Party at Heritage Landing April 15th. Also a general meeting April 13th at Whitlows. The info is on their site. Below is a site to their event page.
To keep track of Tea Party events in Western Mi. see the Tea Party of West Michigan Events page linked below.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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