Monday State Senator Wayne Kuipers of the 30th District was kind enough to sit down with me for an interview by Bottom Up Politics. I appreciate the Senator makeing the the time. For those of you familiar with Carmen’s Restaurant in downtown Muskegon, you will recognize the Mural in the background. Brian Goodman is the artist who painted it.
click on pics to enlarge
Senator Kuipers was forthcoming and honest about his opinions. I’m in the process of publishing the interview, and am hoping to get it out soon.
Muskegon also had another candidate in town. State Rep Goeff Hansen was here.

Rep. Hansen is the declared candidate for Jerry VanWoerkom's 34th District State Senate seat. From a phone call with Rep. Hansen earlier, I learned he had indeed been busy. He visited the Moon Chapter of the Mi. Credit Union League, was given a tour of Baker College, then swung up to Montague and picked up the endorsement of their Mayor Henry Roesler.
Both Senator Kuipers and Representative Hansen attended our 5:30 Muskegon County Republican Executive Committee meeting. There was a lively discussion by them about the whole jail correction issue which is big in Muskegon as our Correctional Facility is closing and a lot of criminals are being let out of jail.
Below is the only picture I managed to get of both of them. Sen. Kuipers is standing and Rep. Hansen is the one sitting with the white shirt and dark hair.
I would like to give a Bottom Up Politic thumbs up to Andy Fink who presented a rewritten set of by-laws for our county party. From what I’ve seen of the document it is professional and well thought out. We do have some people in this party of ours who are indeed capable of doing the heavy lifting when called upon. Andy gave out copies for us to study and then vote upon at our next meeting on the 20th of July. Again kudos to Mr. Fink.
Our Chair David Farhat along with Andy brought up the section # in the document pertaining to the County endorsing candidates in the primaries. The section said that we should not endorse anyone, except in extreme cases where the party would be hurt. David wanted this one section decided before we left because he has been inundated as County Chair by requests to endorse all kinds of candidates. He wanted clarification from the Executive Committee about this. We overwhelmingly approved the section as stated.
It was again discussed as to where we should have our next Caucus Lunch; whether it should be still held at the Pizza Ranch as in the past. It was decided it will be at Pizza Ranch. During the discussion however TJ volunteered to have it at his house. This perked up David Farhat and I wouldn’t be surprised to see another event put on the calendar. The Grand Old Party as a name was suggested. A BBQ sounds great to me.
With the meeting over, people hung around awhile longer than usual. Rep. Hansen was being pigeonholed by some of the members, he seemed right at home. It felt good to be back in our HQ, people seemed to feel more at home there.
I would like to say also it was nice to see our two newest members again. A Bottom Up Welcome to Georges and Matt. Matt I might ad brought his lovely wife this time.
I hope they all become fixtures and jump right in. Georges is computer savvy and I saw him talking with Susie about stuff.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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