Election stuff.
US House Majority,
Michigan House and Super Majority in the MI Senate
The Governor, SOS, AG, Majority in the State Supreme Court.
Only one Democrat State Senator out of the box West of Lansing and North of Saginaw.
Muskegon however retains its “Sister City to Detroit” image.
However cracks are appearing even in this urban Mecca we call Muskegon.
The cream on top of this avalanche, the unexpected upset of all time -- Alan Jager is our new Muskegon County commissioner. Wowdedowdie what a nail biter, if I remember correctly Alan won by a scant 51 votes.
Across the board Republicans gathered more votes than in the past.
Holly Hughes resurrected herself with a win after losing the same race in 2008. She has to feel pretty good about that.
Marve Engle and Bob Scolnik won easily with greater margins of victory than last time.
I would like to give a tip of the hat to John McNally who ran for the 92nd state rep seat even though he lost, and I’ll tell you why.
Mr. McNally received the highest % of votes that anyone has ever gotten out of the 92nd. Before that Bob Cutler in 2004 had 34%; Marianne Darnell-Harris in 2006 garnered 29% and Jim McCormick had only 26% two years ago in 2008.
John McNally, a strict conservative with ties to the Tea Party stepped forward when no one else would and ran to win. He started late in the cycle but once he decided to run he RAN. More correctly he walked and walked and walked up and down the precincts. He worked hard and his message resonated with more people than before in this predominately Blue district.
Here is the Muskegon County Clerks link for the 2010 Election.
Here are the results from 2006 to compare.
Notice for example that in the race for the 34th state senate race Goeff Hansen won Muskegon County by 1,800 votes and carried the district easily. Note also how in 2006 Gerald VanWoerkom lost Muskegon by 5,000 but hung on to still carry the district.
I helped Hansen so I’m prejudiced, but I saw all the work Goeff has put into this campaign. From 2 years ago when no one in Muskegon hardly knew his name, he and his staff led by Pete Wills ran hard and never let up. Two other contenders dropped out leaving Rep. Hansen an unopposed primary. The mark of his campaign was that they did not slow up because of that. Like all winners, the Hansen Team took that early victory and worked all the harder to keep the ground they had gained.
While I’ve had some disagreements with the campaign, the mantle of managing this victory sits squarely upon Pete Wills head. As with Goeff, Mr. Wills never quit, never stopped pushing and always kept their eyes on the goal.
But I digress.
The county clerks site is fun to roam around in, see for example how your precinct voted.
Simply click on the township where you live and find your precinct.
Here is a link to the State Secretary of State website, same thing but for the entire state.
One last thing before some pictures.
Since the beginning of the Tea Party the name of Ray Franz has been on my radar. As I travelled up and down West Mi on the Tea Party circuit, I kept running into Ray at Tea Party meetings and rallies. Rep Franz had lost to Democrat Scripps in 2008 and had started running for 2010 shortly after his loss. Ray’s natural conservative tendencies were a perfect fit for the Tea Party.
What I liked about Ray compared to the other “Johnny come Lately” Tea Party candidates was that he was there as a member not so much as a politician. He has been part of the Ludington, Manistee and Benzie groups. Through the likes of Ray, the Northern West Michigan Tea Parties have pretty seamlessly merged with the Republican County Parties.
Back when winning back the Mi. State house was just a whispered dream, Ray Franz and the 101st district was usually mentioned as a bell weather as to whether we could actually do that. For me it was a natural fit. I did what I could to help his campaign. And a :-) to Jennifer his Campaign Manager both times, victory must feel sweet to her as she caught the brunt of the fallout from Ray’s previous defeat from all the second guessing arm chair pundits.
Through my five county website and through helping Senator Elect Hansen (boy that sounds nice), I became acquainted with Jon Bumstead who ran for Goeff Hansen’s current 100th State House Seat. What a victory he had. Nearly 2 to 1. Jon even won Lake County a heavily Blue county. Kudos to him, the Runnels and their foot soldiers one of whom comes to mind, Andy Sebolt who knocked on a lot of doors.
Appreciation for the work the North Counties contributed to the Hansen and Bumstead campaings is in order. Three cheers.
As some of you know, I’m moving up to Oceana County. This was not a political decision but I found the perfect house for me and my finances. However I have previously gotten to know some of the players up there and I’m hoping I can fit in. The county chair and mayor of Pentwater has taken me under her wing a little and has introduced me around. This lady has a Chicago background; gee I guess if she fit in I have a chance. Lol.
Once I move finally move in which will be around the end of November, I will get to working again on my five county web site, and start setting the stage for the 2012 elections. Wow lots to think about there, for example who will run for the US Senate against Stabenow? I imagine it will be a crowded field and fun to watch. All the township and county races will be coming up also.
Well enough for now and I apologize for not blogging more as the election took up the majority of my time.
Below are some pics from the Hansen Team Victory party in Hart.
Regards Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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