Many, many months ago, nearly a year ago Ken Punter announced that he was running for the 91st State House Seat, I became excited about his candidacy. Shortly afterward I wrote the following in his support.
During these perilous economic and moral times in Michigan and our Country; I find it reassuring to find a citizen leader of Ken Punter’s character willing to pick up the gauntlet of political leadership. Ken Punter, ex marine, long time husband, father and resident of Ravenna calls this desire to enter into public service - “servant leadership”.
Ken Punter is not arrogant.

Ken's website
For too long we have had representing our districts, professional politicians who seem more interested in re-election than serving their constituents. Ken has the strength to stand for what he believes over what is politically expedient.
That strength of character is founded in his faith, and I feel that faith will guide his heart and soul when making the hard decisions of a State Representative. His experience in the Marines, and in helping, along with his wife Kay to raise their beautiful family, has left him with a can do mentality and the self control to see a job through to its conclusion.
Ken has the vision and the practical experience to stand tall when necessary and be that “Servant Leader” upon which this country was founded. Along with his other civic volunteer efforts Ken has been on the Ravenna School Board for 15 years.
He knows how to say yes to common sense and no to non sense.
I am happy and proud to endorse Ken Punter as the next State Representative for the 91st District.
Bob Carr
Precinct Delegate, Precinct #6, Ward #2, City of Muskegon
At the time I wrote that, Ken was the only Republican Candidate for the seat. At the time Holly Hughes was telling people that she was running for the State Senate Seat. Well - as she was telling everyone that she was Senate bound, State Rep. Goeff Hansen from Hart jumped in with both feet and started running. He let Holly do the talking but he started walking – door to door that is. Mr. Hansen was a seasoned Rep. and knew what it takes to win elections - people. He understood it was people who won elections and money was just a tool. As he became relentlessly active in Muskegon County, he started getting endorsements from the big shots some of whom Holly was relying on. With all of the door to door, he was also getting known to the people that matter just as much, the voters – you and I.
Soon Ms. Hughes felt the pressure from those in the know to take her money and influence to try something else. She had run in 2008 and lost the race for the 91st. She probably figured that this new guy, lacking her political knowledge and contacts would be a push over, plus she already had all of her signs from her previous race. She also figured she could twist some arms for endorsements of the political establishment she knew and had donated money to so well in the past.
This is the arrogance I’m talking about. The arrogance bred of money and power. Even Goeff Hansen ended up supporting her. Up and down the political line she got the political endorsements. She does have guts, recently she put her sticker on Pete Hoekstra at an event I had. On top of that when the owner and Pete wanted a picture taken together she jumped behind the counter and wedged herself between the two. Bob Scolnik who was also taking the picture because he was a friend of the owners had to ask Holly to uninsert herself. LOL
Another recent example of the Arrogance of monied candidates occurred at the County Fair. We Republicans have a booth there. Ken and Kay Punter have been selflessly making sure our booth is up and staffed during the 5 day affair. (Election Year or No) Kay gathers the candidate signs and literature from the HQ and sends out letters to all to make sure they have lit at the booth and to come on down and meet the people. This booth was for the Republican Party to gather new members and let people know what we stand for along with helping our candidates. For example Bill Cooper called ahead and sent a couple of his volunteers to watch the tent for a few hours one day. Punters each day open and each night closed the booth when no one is there. They weren’t politicking; they were doing what they had done the last few years, trying to promote the Republican Party.
The Punters broke the 5 day fair down into about 30 one hour time slots for the busiest times during those five days. Filling those slots as always is a tough thing to do. Getting back to the arrogance thing. Unlike Bill Cooper calling ahead and putting his crew into the time slots needed, Holly’s crew arrived on the scene with 6 or 7 people when we had two people already there and they took over.
If they would have coordinated with us we could have taken the others volunteer and filled an empty slot.
On top of that, the Hughes bunch broke some of the rules and stretched another.
No cars or trucks are allowed once the Fair starts, Holly’s crew drove up and kept the truck there while they were there. The next day the gates were closed.
The rule book said No political signs allowed outside of booths, Hughes signs soon starting popping up.
Then a 4’x4’ large sign was put up where the kids collected the prizes they won and people were taking pictures. My sources told me it cost her $200 for that photo opp. That was her standard campaign sign where only smaller sponsorship signs normally go.
Then there is the pig auction. We know from the last election that Holly loves pork as she bought the prize pig in 2008, which incidentally got her picture in the Ravenna newspaper. I guess they had plenty to eat from that pig because the next year (a non election year) she didn’t buy one.
Well this election year she bought two. If she had at least common sense you would think she would have a pig roast for a fundraiser.
Ken Punter has been putting out some pretty good literature.
I know this because the old saying imitation is best form of flattery.
I say that because as in the picture below. Ken came up with the theme for one brochure of Ken is a Pro. Then listing all the things he is pro about.
Shortly after that Holly does the same sort of thing.
Next Ken’s brochure tells of his experiences in the marines and his leadership skills etc. Well Holly’s whole back of the pamphlet would make one think that she won a medal.
Then again as with the pig auction thing the next Holly imitation has her standing in a corn field in non work clothes, showing what? – that she knows how to walk between the rows of corn without getting her clothes dirty. Compare that to Ken’s pics.
We have the choice between the imitation and the real thing.
We have the responsibility as Citizens in our Free Country to elect those who will do the job we entrust them to do.
I think Ken Punter will do that, I’m voting for him. You decide for yourself, I just ask you to think about which one once elected will spend the time, read the bills and do the research keeping in mind his constituents at home. Which candidate will put “People over Politics”?
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
1 comment:
Having some insight into how hard Col. Punter and his wife worked not only campaigning but also in supporting the Tea Party, I regret this election's outcome. I feel confident these two fine Americans will continue to live by the Marine Corps motto, Semper Fidelis, and to support the Tea Party just as I hope we give them all the support we can as well as our congratulations for a valiant effort.
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