Well Jenny has a Red Face after one of her celebrated new green job technology company CEOs which she promised $9.1 million in tax credits was arrested. Caught Red Handed. He was a convicted embezzeler here in the United States. Jenny said there was room on the application to put down his past criminal behavior. Gee guess what, he didn’t. Imagine that???? Not only was he convicted in the US, but he was convicted in Norton Shores Michigan. Wow some real home grown stuff. Jenny's staff didn't have far to check, too bad for her they didn't. Plus he had been arrested 2 other times for similar stuff.
I guess all you have to do is fill out the app any way you want and Jenny will throw the long green your way as long as it is a “green” proposal.
Man this is kinda like mixed metaphors; let’s call it “Mixed Holidays”. Kinda like St. Pat’s Day and April Fools all mixed into one.
Well back to reality. Went to a St. Pat’s Day Parade in Conklin Wed. The Parade was really short – just a block long and ended up at a bar. I went there and marched with Ken Punter (Candidate for the 91st state rep. seat). Our little Punter Platoon had a good time mingling and handing out packs of sticky notes which went over really well. I was surprised. Kudos to Kay for that idea.
There were a lot of people there and this was the first time I knew about the parade but I found out it has quite a tradition.

Afterwards the “Platoon” went to Ken and Kate Montgomery’s house for chili, bread drinks etc. all homemade except the drinks. Good fun and talk.

Sarah Palin is coming to Michigan. Just got an email from Jack Hoogendyk stating that Sarah will be the keynote at “Saving the American Dream Summit Michigan”. Below is a link to the info. This will be an all day affair similar to the one in Washington I attended last year, all about learning how to be an activist and carry our message to more people. Too bad it’s on the other side of the state.

Also got an email from Scott Hagerstrom which said the following about the event.
Highlights of the Summit include:
• Top-tier speakers from among the nation’s foremost free market voices.
• Grassroots training from national experts.
• Network with leading activists from across the state and country.
• Enhanced opportunities for youths 14 to 18 including special discount registration and exclusive lunch program with VIPs.
• And much more!
As I find more I’ll post it on my calendar - see side bar.

Lots of news out there today in my in box. Pete Hoekstra had an interview with Newsmax and praised the Tea Party Movement. He said without the Tea Partiers the Obama/Pelosi/Reid Health Care plan would of already gone through. Nice to see him or anyone actually giving credit where credit is due.
At one of the Townhalls Pete gave, I believe in Holland I asked him afterward what he thought of the chances of the Libs passing Health care; and he thought it was likely unless there was a real ground swell against it. Well there was and he thanked the Tea Party folk for it. The video is nice at the end.

The Kuiper’s Senate Resolution just failed the 2/3 vote it needed by 2 votes. Below is a link to Conservative Michigander about it with the appropriate Hat/Tip to Wendy Day.
Wendy’s link to her site, Common Sense in Government/Make Lansing Listen.
Well that’s it for now. Time to go to bed. Tomorrow there is the Center Right and a Punter fundraiser. Feel free to come, it’s in Ravenna at the Ravenna Bowl between 6-8pm. $20 and great tacos etc. I’ll be working a sign in table, say hi.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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