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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Oceana County GOP Convention

Oceana County GOP Convention

The biggest news last night was first the State Canvass Board going from a tie 2-2 to a 3-1 majority to stop the recount.  Secondly the Federal Court Judge changing his ruling!

There will be no Recount in Michigan. 

Went to our Oceana County GOP Convention last night and the turnout was good.  But like always there were several precinct delegates there I had never seen before.  

Our last County Convention was the same and a lot of the delegates then I never saw again at the regular GOP meetings.  I think I will call them DINO’s (Delegates In Name Only).

How’s that for irony?  

There are 4 or 5 GOP county members who show up and do all the grunt work for the party.  They almost always come to meetings, help organize events and man them, yet it is the DINOs who hold sway due to better behind the scenes organizing.  They are very good at using the rules to their advantage. 

They are very bad at trying to follow the intent of the rules.

Precinct Delegates are supposed to be the backbone of the GOP.  These are the volunteer army that wins us elections.  They are supposed to be the elected GOP representative of their precinct which by definition can have no more than 2,999 voters.  They are the ones who are supposed to represent all the Republicans in their precinct. 

To be fair, both the RHINOs and the DINOs are abusing the system.  The RHINOs showed the DINOs how to do it.  

Where is the middle ground between them in which I can say not “My way or the Highway” but ask what is the best way for my small portion of America?

The purpose of the meeting was to elect half of the executive committee.  The other half are the County elected officials.  The total membership of the Ex. Committee is around 40.  We did that.

One twist I had forgotten was the idea that by law each of the County Commission Districts must be represented by at least one person on the part of the Ex. Committee we voted on last night.

That resulted in two people that were nominated to run were the only ones from their respective Commission District so they were automatically put on the Committee and we voted from the remaining ones.

It took a while but we finished.  I got home around 9:30.  

Our next regular meeting of the Oceana GOP will be this coming Tues. the 13th at 6pm.  Our meetings will be held now at the Hart Community Center by the Library behind the Hart City Hall.  

At this meeting the newly elected Exectutive Committee will elect their new leadership.  Our current chair Dr. Rudy Ochs will be challenged by (rumor has it) County Commissioner Andrew Sebolt.  I expect a large turnout for that meeting.  

There will be no meeting in Jan. and the meetings will start up again in Feb. The rest of the year the meeting will be on the second Tuesday of the month at the Hart Community Center starting at 6pm until further notice.

Regards, Bob Carr
Live Dangerously, Tell The Truth

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