Friday morning I blogged then figured out my schedule. First I decided to run down to Holland to see if I could help in Bill Coopers “Thanks a Million” food giveaway. Then I thought I would catch a ride with a friend up to visit the County Fair again in Oceana’s city of Hart. But first I had some busy work to do.
First I Hooked up with Hansen to make sure the Roosevelt Park Days parade was on his schedule for Sat. Glad I did, because it wasn’t now it is. Breakfast before the parade at 8 in the Westwood Reformed church. Also started getting in contact with the First Congregational Church downtown in my precinct to see if I could get them to come up with volunteers for the “Thanks a Million” food pantry and have the truck come to us in Precinct 6 Muskegon. All preliminary at this point.
click to enlarge all pics.
Back to today and the first thing on the agenda; Bill Cooper’s innovative, charitable and brilliant idea; the “Thanks a Million” mobile food pantry. I showed up just after the truck showed up and people were just starting to unload the food.
Picture a semi truck similar to a beer truck with separate panels on each side probably 10 in all. In each panel is a different food piled on pallets two high. Convention tables also get set up around the truck and each separate food is added up. Let us use strawberries for example as that was the food I volunteered for. We give out to 200 people, so the number of strawberry quarts is added up then divided by 200. We came up with the figure averaging around 3 quarts per person or family. This is done for each food group around the truck. The strawberries quickly were piled on the table and we quickly went through each box taking out any spoiled berries, then the people started coming through the tables getting their 3 quarts at a time. This is done for each food type at each table.
It is fast and the two hours flew by. 200 people received 50 lbs of food each. We had volunteers also that helped some of the people carry their food through the line. After, there was a quick clean up of all the empty boxes and there was literally a semi full of them and the parking lot returned to normal. We all gathered and I took some group pictures and after about a total time of less than 3 hours, you couldn’t tell that anything had happened there.
I might add, this is not a government program, it is private. Because of that the lines went fast and people and volunteers were nice, friendly, and it felt good doing it. The thing was super efficient.
At home that evening and perhaps for this Saturday and Sunday dinner, there were a lot of people sitting down to eat strawberry shortcake and all the other good stuff provided by this worthwhile project from potatoes to corn on the cob and all kinds of other goodies. Become a volunteer for one or all.
Remember too this was done later that same day by Bill and his crew without me I must add, in Muskegon at 5:45 in the Omni Fitness Center parking lot. Sat. they are also doing it twice again. Come Sunday they will get to say 4 down and only 96 left !!!!! Think about it. They could use all the help we can muster. Volunteer if you can. See below.
Kelsey Duda
231.799.4987 | 866.668.2468
Then I was off with Leonard Bathrick to visit the Ocean County “Fair Days” and the Republican booth. It had rained and the turnout was a little less than the day before. There was a nice crew again at the Republican booth. Juanita Pierman and Jane Drake were there with 3 other ladies. Jane Drake is running in the primary for Goeff Hansen’s term limited state house seat in the 100th district. It was nice to be able to meet these people. Goeff too showed up and got busy saying hi. Marc Libants also running for Goeff's seat showed up too after working the booth all last night. Below is a pic of Juanita and the a winner of a big prize in the middle surrounded by the candidates.
Pete Hoekstra had two guys there getting petitions signed. They need to come up with 15,000 signatures, they just finished 4,000. The real deadline isn’t until Aug. but they are hoping to get them by the middle of this Sept. in time for the Mackinac event to “close the deal” on their primary campaign. If you haven’t signed one yet and wish too; feel free to call me – Bob Carr, 231-728-3455. I’ll get the petition to you.
The way I look at it is that Pete has been a faithful congressman for a long time and served us well; signing a petition to get him on the ballot is the least we can do.
Well Politics is a poppin in Michigan. Hope to see you at the parade.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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