Mother Nature proved she was in charge the last couple of weeks. I had been marking the disappearance of the Ice/snow cover every morning as I woke up. Finally Sunday morning the basic cover was gone. Just a few spots remained in the heavily shaded places.
I sat at my console and as I did my daily computer stuff, all of a sudden out of my window I noticed some light snow. Within 5 minutes there was a heavy snow and 10 minutes after that it was nearly a “white out”. I must say sitting in my lazy boy it was a beautiful “white out”. The flakes were huge and I noticed the trees were all getting covered. Within an hour we had at least 2 inches on everything.
The pics below show how in my neck of the woods Mother Nature can take a beautiful spring day without snow cover and send us straight back to the dead of winter within an hour’s time.
Let us not forget a week and a half earlier Mother Nature laid a one inch coating of ice then more snow on what was previously a snow free land. The Ice as you remember was on everything including the roads.
After the pics above Mother Nature must have thought better of her belated April Fools joke and rose up in her might and gave us a 40 degree night through which she blew up a terrifying nonstop, continuous spate of lighting and thunder. I had never heard such nonstop thunder. I guess in Mother Nature’s defense she needed that cacophony of light and sound to unleash the torrential downpour and later the steady rain that eventually negated her previous snowy tantrum.
As I drove to Hart this morning for the 22nd meeting of the Cozy Conservative Corner, I was happy to see the snow was gone, the sun pop back out and the nicer face of Mother Nature revealed. It looked and felt terrific.
At our Conservative breakfast at LaFiesta Greg Van Woerkom representing Congressman Huizenga was there along with the regular crew. However I did miss Al Doctor and Barb V; she rescheduled for May 3rd.
After the breakfast Andy Sebolt and I picked up some extra chairs he had for our Oceana Tea Party meeting coming up Wed. night 7pm. Last night State Representative Jon Bumstead called and confirmed that he would come and speak at this our 2nd Tea Party meeting. I was happy; the other Tea Party folk who were at the breakfast thought it was good news too.
Andy then introduced me around at the Pink Elephant restaurant just up the street from LaFiesta where some Republicans gather. Earlier Juanita Pierman, at the Conservative breakfast told us of an organizational meeting talking place later today in Shelby at the Brown Bear to set up a fundraiser for Goeff Hansen’s son Collin’s son’s education. I plan on going.
Then as Andy and I settled into the Pink Elephant, in walked Goeff and his wife Tammy. Geoff asked if I wanted to ride along to a Right to Life event in Ludington with him as Tammy just wasn’t up to it. I said sure so after I’m done blogging, I’m off to Hart to get some copies made for our Tea Party meeting then to the Shelby meeting and then to Goeff’s.
It is easy to get involved if you just make the effort and are willing to do things on other people’s terms and not always yours. All it takes is asking “What can I do?” I’ll try to blog some more later and for sure after the Tea Party meeting.
One good thing today also that came about happened as I visited the County Clerk Rebecca Griffin about whether or not the County had anything I needed to comply with if our Tea Party decided to have a Tax Day Tea Party Rally in downtown Hart on the 15th. She said that would be covered under the City rules. The good thing here was that I was able to meet the Vice President of the Municipal Township Association for Oceana County. The good in this was I was given a chance to explain what the Tea Party was and the reasons I was making all the effort. They both seemed sympathetic.
Well all for now.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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