(Click on pictures to enlarge)
It was cold and the wind blowing off Hart Lake gusting onto Veteran's Park made it a bitter cold. A group of Oceana citizens braved the elements and marched from the Courthouse "carrying flags and carrying signs which mostly said hooray for our side." (Forgive me Bob Dylan).
Those citizens of course were members or friends of the Oceana Tea Party and they brought warmth to each other’s hearts in this March and this Rally. They braved the elements to show their strength of resolve in their beliefs in American exceptionalism. The speakers reminded us all that America and it's free people are what made America the envy of the world. It is simply up to us to keep it so.
We had some bright spots. Rebecca Wentzloff made a banner for us. Not just any banner either. This was a handmade quilt. A lot of work and love went into that, I should keep that in mind. I wish we had a better picture of it but this will have to do. We will proudly have this banner at our meetings to come.
BTW LOL Our next meeting is May 4th at the Golden Township Hall 5527 Fox Rd. Mears. 7pm.
At the Rally I gave a few words then Andrew Sebolt talked of Honor and other virtues which need to be behind all we do as a country. Larry Loree our guest speaker and Vietnam Veteran brought Honor front and center in his speech. As a Vietnam vet he knew well what honor meant and how without it men and women fail to do courageous things. His talk reminded us that courageous things need yet to be done.
State Representative Jon Bumstead ended the speach making part of the program. Mr. Bumstead tied it all together by speaking of citizen involvement and how that effort needs to be made and will help hasten change.
By then we were all freezing and ready to take off but we hung around for the last part of the event. Just as in the old tales, we threw a box of Tea into the lake. To keep the over zealous EPA off our backs, we tied a rope to it and the Box was empty. Oh well the life we live in.
Then we all skedaddled for the warmth and fellowship and gooe eats at Hart Pizza just across the Lake.
All told everyone seemed pleased with the results. Lots of things were talked of over Pizza such as Windmills, Booths in the County Fair, floats in the Asparagus Parade, Debbie Stabenow and some possible opponents to dethrone her like Peter Konetchy or Rob Steele. Pete we learned has bowed out.
Life goes on. But I was reminded by this day that life is indeed what we chose to make it.
And I was warmed.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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