Started out by reading a paper about the Eastside Extravaganza and the change in its management. I researched then called to find out. The people I talked to who were putting it on were committed and excited, they were working with what they were dealt and I wanted to help in whatever way I could. Well the Northside Lions were putting on a Pancake Breakfast there. Because I was a new Lion of Blue Sky Lions in Musk. I made some more calls and volunteered. It was early,7am when I got there and got busy setting up and doing stuff, in other words I forgot to take pictures till too late to capture the breakfast which ended at 11am. The pictures below are from the Eastside Extravaganza itself. Kids rides, car show, and a great Sensori Safari with all sorts of stuffed exotic animals for the kids and adults to see.
The weather was threatening and it sprinkled a few times which affected the turnout, but I think it safe to say this Eastside Tradition will continue.
I just got off the phone with Mike at Northway Lanes who put this on, and he assured me that The Eastside Extravaganza will continue. Mike seemed happy with the 3 day event. He said that the Youth groups of football, soccer, baseball and bowling along with the Township Parks and Rec Dept. will be receiving much needed contributions from the proceeds of this event.
Mike was eager to try out some new ideas next year to make it even better. Maybe an early chicken family dinner say at 5pm to help kick off the evening. Low cost and good food. Maybe a Texas Hold em type of thing. Sounded good to me, but what really picked me up was Mike's upbeat attitude, it and he were infectious.
This event is on my radar and I will be blogging heavy about it next year. Definately will volunteer again. Join us.
Well, remember I only helped from 7-11 and was still willing and fresh, what with a good breakfast and all. I had volunteered late as an extra hand and just walked around trying to think of things to help with. What I did was pretty easy stuff. This Pancake Breakfast thing of their's however is a well oiled machine. I did manage to take some pancakes and sausages off their hands. It was the least I could do. Anyway, the Lions there were talking about another event they were putting on that sameday in North Muskegon at the Luthern Church. They were sponsoring and putting on a "Food Truck" food give away.
I had tried to talk the County Party into putting one of these on. No luck so far but I volunteered as did most of the "Pancakestrs" and we went out there. There must of been 30 volunteers. The truck came and it went well. People had come early in the day to secure their place in line. We gave out the whole truck worth of food in a couple hours. I would estimate over 200 people showed up for the food.
Again I apologize I was told not to take pictures of the people so I just took a couple of the volunteers at the truck. Others volunteers were in the church making up double bags and signing up the people.
Karen Buie is another year older. YOU'D NEVER KNOW IT !!!
Her husband Larry pulled off the surprise Sunday at Bent Pine Golf Course. Friends and family were all there, they filled the room. Everyone had gathered early and then Larry called Karen at home saying he had forgot his wallet which he did (on purpose) and that he was stuck at the golf course and asked if she would bring it to him. He didn't want to drive without it you see.
Karen was truly surprised, I saw a glint along with a tear in her eye. There is a picture there of Karen's mom pointing to a baby picture of Karen. She told me that the ribbon in Karen's hair had to be taped to her head as she had so little hair. We both got a laugh out of that.
Last Update, Sunday early evening, I helped Morning Bear work on Love Garden. She had done some rearranging after our pesky mole had played havoc with our community plot of strawberry plants. We also did alot of weeding getting a couple of more plots ready for two gardeners coming the next day to plant. We also fixed up and filled our cattle trough we use for wattering; then watered the whole thing. The seeds are sprouting and some signs of life are showing. We may even have our first signs of parsnips. As you can see our gardeners are making pretty good use of the limited space in our little plots. I had my first taste of fresh raddish out of mine.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
Great job Bob. Thank for your helping the Northside Lions at their 2 events. Too bad the Republican Party does not sponsor a food truck or two. Great public relations as it seems the Democrats are the party of the poor. Might just turn some votes our way and feed the needy too.
Thanks Ed
I'm the rookie here, but as long as we keep the eye on helping the rest will follow.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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