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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday's the Day.

Pelosi Queen of the Hill?  Still?
We Find Out Today.

I started writing this Wed. Morning.
Pelosi challenger Tim Ryan as noted in previous posts is using the line that the Dem. Leadership is old and out of touch with middle, rural America.  I would not be surprised if he gave Pelosi a run for her money.  The vote of the Democrat caucus is today there are 198 Dems voting in secret to select their Minority Speaker
A few things in his favor. 
            1.  It is a secret ballot so those with a grudge or who want to make a statement can vote without fear of repercussions.
            2.  This seems to be the year of voting for the new candidate
            3.  His message is a strong one because the Dems have seen their party which controlled all branches lose control of all those branches under current leadership.  (I would assume they would be tired of being in the minority.
            4.  Tim Ryan is 43 years old and from Middle America (Ohio), his hidden message is to bring the Democrat party back closer to the middle away from the extreme left fringe; a place where they can start to rebuild their party.
            5.  If I was a Dem (perish the thought) I would vote for him over Pelosi in a heartbeat.  I would be on the phone calling what Congressmen I have left and demand they vote for him.  But I’m not a Dem so ----  Goooooo Pelosi.  She’s the one.
            6.  Oh yeah the main reason to not vote for Pelosi would be “He’s not Her” LOL

--- UPDATE Wed. 11/30/2016 ----

She Retains Her Strangle Hold on the Dems.

Pelosi retains her minority speakership role of the House Dems.  My fears are set aside.  Like I implied above now I’ll rest easier with the mid-terms looming.  That is when the Dems look to pick up some seats.  Well if they keep doubling down on leftist ideas it will be easier to rev our base up and Pelosi the San Francisco Treat will help us there.  Plus if “The Donald” keeps going like he is we could actually win some seats.


Michigan Recount.
We Find Out Today

I started writing this blog post Monday, 11/28/2016.  

That was the day I heard on the news that Jill Stein might be calling for a recount of Michigan’s election results along with those from Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  

Oh Great I thought, another hanging chad Florida 2000 type of thing.

I thought as always, “Just the facts Mam”, so I went to the horse’s mouth to see how that would affect our local county.  I stopped and talked with our County Clerk Rebecca J. Griffin.  That was later in the day and she said she had been working on the recount issues all day.  She thought it was going to be a massive amount of work to do in a short time and probably wouldn’t make a difference in the end.

She told me of some of the things involved.  She needed to hire extra people just to count the ballots.  She talked about how the Secretary of State had to send people to each county to observe.  That in itself is 83 counties and 83 people.  She told me she had already had talks with the SOS, and she at this point seemed consigned to the idea that this was going to happen.  I’ll give her this.   She is one calm customer. 

I’ll give you an example.  There was a County Commissioner race in Oceana County which was within 4 or 5 votes and a recount was called.  I happened to be in the County Building when that took place and curiosity got the better of me and I ended up spending the whole day there.  

The County Board of Canvassers counted and found some votes to discount which created an actual tie and after a couple of long call to the Sec. of State it was agreed upon to pick a piece of paper from a hat. 
A paper was picked and a winner was proclaimed.  I’ve run for public office and have won and lost and I would find it hard not to think that if I was the loser what could I have done to get or change just one vote?  I would wrestle with that one for a long time.  But to my local point “One Vote Does Matter”
---- UPDATE 11/29/2016 around noon ----

Today is Tuesday and on the way to our Cozy Conservative Corner where some (Yup you guessed it) Conservatives meet every Tues. at 8am at La Fiesta Restaurant in Hart I heard on the radio that the State Board of Canvassers Certified the ballot results and Trump won by only 10,704, and that Jill Stein hired former Mi. Democrat Chair Mark Brewer to be her lawyer for this recount attempt.  That Canvass Board was unanimous in the certification.  The Board is made up of equal #s of Republicans and Democrats, 2@.  

This article gives a good understanding and mentions that even in Michigan with the tightest winning margin it was unlikely that Hillary had a chance to win.  

Here is another article expanding upon it all. Notice the Supreme Court mention and problem with deadlines etc.  What happens if we don’t make the deadlines because of a Trump challenge?  Will out 16 Electoral Votes be counted?  Too many questions I don’t have the answer for.

At our Cozy Conservative Breakfast we talked about the recount and we agreed that it wouldn’t change the outcome.  Here is a good article on how much the recount in Mi. might cost and who actually pays for it.  This article suggests that we the taxpayers might pay for a lot of it.  

---------Edited in Tues evening 11/29/2016-------

[Isn’t ironic that if Jill Stein hadn’t run in Michigan and the 51,463 votes she got here went to Hillary.  It would have given Hillary a 40,759 vote margin of victory and Michigan’s 16 electoral votes.  Also note that Ms. Stein had 30,980 votes in Wisconsin and Trump’s margin of victory was only 27,257.  With Stein’s votes Hillary again would of won Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes.  Only in Pennsylvania which Trump won by 75,018 would Jill Stein’s paltry 48,795 votes not have given Hillary Pa.’s 20 electoral votes.] --------------- 

---- UPDATE Wednesday 11/30/2016 1:45 pm ----

Today is Wednesday and just got back from going to Hart and talking with our County Clerk also did some shopping.  Becky told me that she would have to hire between 8 and 10 people for the recount at $10 or $12 an hour.  She also said some of the bigger counties will be starting their recount Friday.  Oceana’s will probably start Sat morning. 

She also said that there was talk about merging some of the smaller counties together such as Lake perhaps and Oceana maybe Newaygo for the purpose of this recount.  She has been on several conference calls with the Secretary of State the last couple of days.  Becky also told me that the final word isn’t in yet so the final plans can’t be made.

Also found out for sure that the recount is a public affair.  Normally it would be in the County Building but if some counties merge their efforts we don’t know yet where it would be.  
I plan on attending if at all possible, you should too.

Silent Majority?

That’s what I’m talking about.  ESPN lost over 500 million viewers last month and over 600 million viewers the month before.  Who said we are silent.  

Who says changing channels doesn’t work?  Won’t get people’s attention?  I’ll tell you who --- The same people that told us Hillary would win in a landslide.
If you follow my post on Bottom Up Politics you know I believe in the power of one.  That one is you and me.  I’ve written that the “Up” feels power from the “Bottom” when we vote and when we change channels, don’t watch slanted movies; in effect when we assert our “individualness” and vote, act and live according to our own likes and not others. 
We are making a difference.

This quote is from the article by Dylan Gwinn writing for Breitbart about why ESPN has lost the viewers. “ESPN Ombudsman Jim Brady, admitted that the network lurched way too far to the left in recent years, alienating many viewers.”

He is right.

The current problem with them is the same with all other News or Real Action shows.  People used to turn into ESPN CNN and NFL Football to get the straight news so they can decide what the facts mean by themselves.  Now they get a slanted version of the news and are told what to think.  Even in arena of the NFL we are getting commentary that has nothing to do with the game.
The Trump victory came from those who were tired of all the BS and back talking and voted for Trump to do a job and he is trying to do it.  We hire (by tuning into ESPN) to get the sports facts and coverage.  Lately it’s like going to watch a movie with a critic sitting next to you telling you what you should be thinking and feeling when you are trying to just watch the movie.


Well enough for now, leaves need raking.  Keep looking for and demanding the Truth.
Regards, Live Dangerously seek the Truth

Bob Carr

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