What is it with Thursdays lately? Everybody seems to schedule all their events on that day.
As usual it started off at the “Carmen Breakfast Group” in Muskegon. We had a good crowd and it was nice to see Jon DeWitt making some time for us; we few, we proud – well you get the drift. He must be a really busy guy working on the Hoekstra campaign for governor. Bill Huizenga vying for Pete’s seat showed up too.
After that I headed to the Fix Michigan Center in GR to attend the first of a two part, two day workshop on the use of Facebook for political activists. I had been playing with Facebook and was looking for some inside stuff; but this first session covered the basics.
Pictured below is Jeff Orzechowski the director of the GR Fix Michigan Center. One reason I like to travel around to the different county parties is to help share ideas we each come up with separately. Below is a picture of an attendance sheet the have prominently displayed at their headquarters of the members of the Executive Committee and whether they attended each month or not. Jeff told me they had to get rid of a couple members for bad attendance. I thought that was a great idea. Easy way to show who on the committee is a Member In Name Only. Lol.
After that I had a chance to relax a little and get dressed up for Mason County’s Lincoln Day Dinner in Ludington. Wow I don’t know about the politics but the food was really great. The food was great and just kidding about the politics. All of the Second Congressional Candidates were there and gave a 5 min. speech. My new camera which I’m still getting used to didn’t work the way I had hoped. I had it on the wrong selection and the pictures were almost all out of focus. But below are the few that are recognizable.
Did I mention that coming home was miserable with heavy downpours and fog so thick you could cut it with a knife? At times I had to slow to 30 mph because I literally couldn’t see more than a couple car lengths ahead.
Well Friday I headed to GR for the other half of the Facebook workshop. I learned a lot more this time. The basic idea for me is that Facebook is a great way to organize groups and get people involved in groups. Twitter will be the way to communicate to people on the ground at spontaneous events.
Sat. was the first St. Paddy’s day parade up in Whitehall/Montague. Thankfully the threatened rain didn’t appear and the sun actually came out later for the beginning of the parade. The parade worked out OK. Compared to the Summer parade which is packed for the whole mile long event the numbers were about ½ that perhaps less. Having said that there were lots of people and I would call this first effort a success for Whitehall/Montague.
The rest of my time was spent doing some errands for a couple of the candidates I’m volunteering to help out – and resting my truck and myself.
Monday we had our monthly Muskegon GOP meeting. Good attendence. We passed out some Precinct Delegate affadavids and Commissioner John Snider notorized them maybe up to 15 in all. A good start. The exciting thing was a girl named Amber Weerstra who was there to find out about running for the 10th (I believe) County Commission Seat that is currently being held by Roger Wade a Democrat who recently said he is not going to run again. I talked with her after the meeting and she signed onto the Muskegon Patriots as well. She must of gotten her fill of politics that night as there was a group of the Leadership talking with her in private about her chances and other information.
I'm sure I'll be posting more about this young lady later on.
During that time, Clara my city commissioner walked into Mia and Grace the nice little restaurant I’ve blogged about so much and after eating demanded not to be charged for the meal. Wow what was that all about? Is she losing it or what? Maybe she should step down if her judgment is that impaired.
Anyway in the link above check out some of the videos. Here is one I liked.
Also Juanita Pierman, chair of Oceana County has rescheduled the Cap n Trade townhall for Tuesday April 13th at the VFW in Hart at 6:30. Bill Cooper has told me that he is putting the same event on for Muskegon for the 12th of April, details will be forthcoming.
After Health Care; Cap n Trade will be on the front burner and there is already a groundswell against it forming up. The Tea Partiers have been putting on events and have new ones in the works regarding Cap n Trade. The Mackinac Center and the Center Right Group is doing the same.
People are still angry, the government isn’t all of a sudden getting less intrusive in our lives! Stories of states withholding tax refund money and of police departments writing more tickets just to get more money and lots of other fees being talked about in state congress from the governor on down have gotten some people good and fed up. There is plenty of anger at the local level, the level of you and me to go around without adding new taxes and controls on our medical care and use of energy and water etc.
I give the owners of Mia & Grace two thumbs up for fighting through the city bureaucracy and building the finest eatery in Downtown Muskegon out of a skid row building that should have been condemned. The fought through the constant busybodyness of the City inspection and planning to inspite of not because of the City making their dream come true. Here is a link to some blogs I did about them during the two years of using their own sweat and treasure to build their dream in spite of the city.
First post
And as if that wasn’t enough we have the classic example of a petty tyrant throwing her weight around; not to help the restaurant which has brightened up the precinct but to demand a free lunch. She should be ashamed of herself.
Now to some fun stuff in my precinct
The Tipsy Toad has been Kidnapped !!!!!!!
Harvey Linenbottom from the Love Community Garden has become fed up with living out of garbage cans since they raised the garden plots out of his/her reach and Harvey has taken matters into his own hands.
He claims to have kidnapped the Tipsy Toad mascot and is holding the toad for ransom. It has been confirmed that the Tipsy Toad is missing. Harvey is thinking that without state grant money this year, Love Community Garden will not be able to raise the vegetables Mr. Linenbottom himself is so fond of pilfering.
Check this out.
-----facebook link------
The Love Community Garden is going it without all the hassles of government grant money like we did the first year. This “Ransom” concocted by Morning Bear along with Pastor Phillips from Love Fellowship Community Church in the spirit of good fun with Dar and Ed from the Tipsy Toad in order to raise some “Seed” money lol. Mainly the money is to be used to hire the kiddy rides we had last year along with the bbq at our picnic.
About the seeds, I’ve been talking with Goeff Hansen about getting the seeds donated from the contacts he has. Marion at Nelson Community Association will help as he can from his annual seedling fundraiser. Last year he got us a lot of tomatoes and Greens.
Since the City cut the Parks and Rec. we will not have the ready made kids to teach once a week. We are trying to figure a way to still do the same thing on an individual basis.
If you want to help with the “Ransom” stop in at the Tipsy Toad and ask the bartender.
Help pay the Ransom
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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