The hard part was to put up with the giggling and the snickering and all the other negative naysaying going on in my own party. I thought it was just me and my lack of ability. That may indeed be part of it. I still have a lot to learn. But it still hurt. I have a candidate friend who once told me, he expects his opponent to act badly but when one of his own betrays what they stand for; that is the deepest hurt.
Our enemy we can learn from, Saul Alinsky was the guy who said the bottom line is that we have to do something, anything because if we don’t nothing gets done.
After I went to my own three man protest for the Drill hear, Drill Now, Pay Less protest, nothing much got done perhaps but we 3 felt good, and people out there were all honking their horns. Sol was right. Then the Tea Party Tax thing happened and on my trip to Lansing and Jackson and Reves Junction, something happened. In all those places that day when I looked around I saw that I was not alone in my happiness.
It was in the doing that I and others found a meaning, a common cause to wrap around our discomfort with what government had become. As we looked around we shared secret smiles that acknowledged we were not alone in our thoughts and our deeds. This was a good feeling - that feeling was the seed from which a political movement was made.
It felt good to work together, those alliances – that common ground was comfortable. We did not need an expert or government agency to tell us what we knew. This was the power that formed this country we had reawakened that dreaded bear. We had awakened to the knowledge that we have had enough and the time was right. NOW.
We started using what resources we had. We welcomed those that thought like we did about freedom, and how freedom was enough and all the rest would figure itself out. Common Sense was proving that it could be a workable solution.
Today I started out looking for any news about the Race. You know THE RACE. Then before the real facts could come in I had a chance to hitch a ride with Bill Cooper and his new aide Derek Gray up to Ludington where he was scheduled to talk to the Ludington Tea Party. I had to leave or miss out. My old truck is well OLD plus get about 10 miles a gallon. On top of that, after the Tea Party meeting they were going to watch the town hall on the Proposed Windmill Offshore Farm. There had been another one the night before in Shelby which I missed and which, from everyone I talked with was by all accounts a real barn burner. But back to the day.
I counted about 50 people at Redolencia’s Coffee Shop. The meeting was soon getting to business. A representative from Manistee which was starting up their own group was there and recognized. The meeting talked of having a Movie night and got volunteers. Also the idea of maybe setting up Precinct Delegate Training was discussed. I later volunteered to do one if they wanted.
Rod Merrill told everyone how there were 50 Tea Parties in Michigan. He further told us that they had merged with the 9/12 groups and had hopes shortly to merge everything with the Northern Mi Tea Parties for a united Michigan Tea Party.
Also it was brought up that the Grand Rapids group was having the Tea Party Express stop in their town April 10th on it’s way to Washington. A big party was being planned, for about 4pm. The time I believe is still tentative.
Another exciting event being planned is a debate among the gubernatorial candidates hosted by the Tea Party Alliance. This would be ground breaking.
Then I saw Stacy Mathia, I had shared close to a 24 hour bus ride from Kalamazoo to Washington DC to attend the Americans For Progress event “Restoring the American Dream”. It was then that I learned she was running as an Independent Candidate for Governor. Being a Hoekstra fan I thought her effort was meaningless. Well when I saw her last night I realized I had changed in my opinion of what she was doing. I grew up some since that bus ride.
I still believe that the best way to effect change is through the existing party structure; but I have learned that without courageous people like Stacy Mathia, there would not be the leverage the Tea Party now holds.
This is just a young mother who raised and homeschooled her own children that had had enough and decided to do something. As I in my humble way try to do some things, I realized here she was putting it all on the line so that others could see the way. She was the first one charging up the hill and the hell with the rest – well the rest started up the hill with her. Stacy may not have a chance in you know what to win, but well I don’t think Scott Brown listened to them when they told him that either.
I signed her petition, I hope others in my party see it. I hope they may think about why and maybe Stacy’s sacrifices will not be in vain.
My ride Bill Cooper a candidate for the 2nd Congressional Seat then talked. Bill was animated in his talk and straight forward plus forthcoming with the knowledge he possesses. Mr. Cooper can talk the stripes off a skunk, but when he’s on, the skunk gladly gives him the stripes. Last night he was on.
After I did my own “politiken” for my blog and website, we were off to the highschool where they were having a townhall about the Ludington Windmill Proposed Project. The people presenting it got a cold reception. A lot of people questioned the facts and there was a poor response on the part of the presenters. The audience won that debate in my opinion.
The windmill concept I’m still debating in my mind, but I don’t live there and if there is one thing that the Tea Party movement encapsulates; it is that people – local people can and should decide their own fate. You could say the people in Ludington were practicing Democracy. They were remembering what Freedom is all about; namely – Taking action and accepting the responsibility.
There were alot of interested political folk there listening to the give and take. Juanita Pierman the Pentwater President was the only face I recognized but I was told of others. The two Bills (Cooper and Huizenga) both candidates for the 2nd Congressional seat were there.
I got home at midnight. One thing I will remember and that was where I was when I found out that Scott Brown won in Mass. WOW. There will be reams and reams written about this race and I’ll probably do my share but for now, I’ll remember that I was out DOING Something Anything and for now as Sol Alinsky is rolling in his grave, I’ll just say WOW.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
PS Speaking of Grassroots excitement. Below the first pic is the monthly Muskegon County Republican Meeting and the Pic after is the Monthly Ludington Meeting. To be fair the GOP meeting had more people but still was no more than 15 while the ludington TP meeting had 50. You pick where the Grass Roots excitement.
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