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Monday, April 6, 2009

Muskegon Tea Party in the works.

Hey Muskegon we might have our own Tea Party.

I lifted the following info off of the Following link. I then called up the people involved to check. If you want to get involved with someone in your area check out the site. People from all around us. So far I’ve called three. Pick your spot and find someone to help out.


Spent a long time talking with Joyce Horness from N. Muskegon and she and Chris Kaijala have done some of the groundwork. Joyce has called and gotten an ok for a rally. They are thinking of Noon April 15th at Hackly park by the statue.
Also they are planning a meeting of those interested (anyone is invited) tentatively for 4/13 the Monday before the Tea Party.

Janice has been trying to get others involved, she is talking to the Chronicle to see if they could put a little piece in about it.

Joyce has been talking about walking from Hackley Park to the Bay to symbolically dump the tea. Not in the water of course.


Rev. Tyler Wagonmaker is having one in Hudsonville.

Called Mary McGrady at 231-893-4832 and she told me that she is helping stage one in Montague.

They had a meeting last week and 15 people showed and they said they would spread the word. Mary also told me they plan on having a meeting the night before at her business in Montague.

Her business is where they plan to meet Party day and then walk with their signs etc down to the Weathervane to hold the rally. She thought said they were starting at noon April 15th then going as long as people came.

Her Business for night before meeting and beginning of the March to the Party

Mary McGrady
Paisley Place (Tea Room)
457 Dowling
Montague Mi.

That’s it for now. See top of side bar for other links as I get them.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

2 comments: said...

Thanks for spreading the word!

Hopefully you can make it to Lansing, too?


live dangerously said...

Yeah buddy.
I'll see you and Jack there.
Just got confirmation Don Mulder in Grand Haven is having one at noon too. At the City Hall.

Regards, LD