Hey I'm Sleeping. Long day was the 15th. Went to sleep on the 16th.
Nick at Right Michigan has some good stuff up already. He doesn't sleep obviously.
I will post later today with some pics from Lansing
I went to the Jackson Party and I have some pics from that
I also went to the Lincoln day dinner at Livingston County in Jackson, had car trouble and arrived late. Have some pics and comment on that too and the rest.
Talked with Josh about the Muskegon Tea Party, a full report will be made later today. Suffice it to say they were overwhelmed. Pat and Frank U. manned the sign in table and reported 700 or more signatures, and jars of donations for the pantry.
Off to Carmen's for our Carmen Group Breakfast I'll try to post the stuff by 2pm
What an awesome day.
Regards, It didn't feel so Dangerous to be a Conservative that day.
We are having another tea party on the 4th of July in Lansing. State Capitol
Like the blog, especially the name!
BTW I have talked with Josh, great patriot
Hope to see you on July 4
Co-organizer of Feb.27
& April 15 Lansing, MI Tea Parties
Thanks for stopping by.
I know the birthing pains must be intense, but hang in there we love you.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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