This site is meant to facilitate the upward flow of information to help our elected officials stay in touch with those they represent. Also as a means to help us (the voters) help our leaders lead.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More Local Politics

More local politics.

Last night we had a good lively and well attended meeting of the Muskegon County Republican Party Executive Committee. Some new faces were there, that was good to see. Before the meeting a few “walk ins” came in and were helped. That was a really good thing. At the meeting a lot of the candidates were there. They each gave a short talk about the status of their campaigns and any problems they were having or help they sought. Basic strategy was talked about. Under new business, our own “Carmen’s Thursday Group” was highlighted by the Chairman Bob Scolnik. Nice plug, some interest was shown, maybe the group will increase. See my side bar under “Calendar” for specifics.

I also gave a short pitch for our “Energy Freedom March” and held up a few signs, at the least the was some good natured laughter, some signatures on the petition, and hopefully some will show up today so there will be a tomorrow. Lol. See top of my side bar for details on the protest march.

Ken Punter gave an overview of the upcoming Youth Fair, and the best days etc, for the candidates to show up and politic. (See side bar under “Calendar”) After the meeting Ken and I went to Holly Hughes headquarters and picked up the “booth” and all the rest of the stuff, drove it to the Fair Grounds on Hts. Ravenna Rd. and set it up so it would be ready for today.


For your levity. Last night at the meeting, I took my folders with all the flyers and petitions I had feverishly copied and put together along with the petitions including the ones we had signed then left them there in my rush to get going on the Youth Fair stuff. I didn’t realize this fact until I woke up out a sound sleep this morning at 4:00am and couldn’t get back to sleep because of it.
The only way I know out of this “Senior Moment” is to call up Bob Scolnik our Chairman, run out to his house hopefully pick up the keys, run back to the headquarters pick up the stuff then run the keys back then run to the “Energy Freedom March” to start that at 7:45. Wish me luck. Lol. Getting old isn’t pretty sometimes. It’s 6:15 now.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

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