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Friday I wanted to go to Lake County specifically to Peacock Mi to attend the always fun and filling Lake County Lincoln Day Dinner. I saved gas because I only had to drive to Hart where Goeff and Tammy Hansen gave me a ride the rest of the way. I and my old truck thank them. On the way we picked up the Chair of Oceana Co. Juanita Pierman. I was in my element, lots of good political talk on the way.
As we made the last turn on 4th st. after miles of driving through the National Forest seemingly in the middle of nowhere --- There was Waldo bravely exclaiming that even way out there, they "HAVE HAD ENOUGH".
Then to my extra delight there were more Waldo's at the site of the Lake Lincoln Day Dinner. I was happy to see Mama Waldo there. She is the "Join the Lake County Republicans" sign. That sign gave birth to the "Had Enough" sign. The Runnels were the brains behind that.
Inside, there were around 50 people and plenty of great smelling food. Here is a picture of the Ladies of the Lake who were responsible for the meal and the work that went into it.
I'm getting to know some of these people and my hats off to the Runnels who are the driving force behind this growing enclave of Republican support in an otherwise Democrat Blue county. As in my Muskegon environment the Runnels too know what I mean when I say "Live Dangerously Be A Conservative.
Goeff Hansen was the master of ceremonies and kept things moving along through a packed agenda with wit and humor.
Lots of candidates up and down the line and a lot of auctioning of donated items which fetched high prices due to the generosity of the bidders ably egged on by Tammy Hansen among others. Darwin Booher among others found themselves more generous than they thought they were.
Darwin Booher and Jay Riemersma were the guest speakers who each gave good talks. I was especially happy when Rep. Booher started his speech by saying he was heartened and knew he was at the right place when he saw a sign proclaiming “Had Enough !! Vote Republican” I and Waldo were smiling.
The clear winners of a straw poll were Pete Hoekstra for Governor, Bill Huizenga for the 2nd Congressional, Darwin Booher for the 35th state senate seat, Marc Libants for the 100th state house seat, Michael McManus for Secretary of State and Mike Bishop for attorney general. Here are some general pictures of the crowd etc. plus one of Tammy doing her Vanna impersonation.
It ended up being a long evening due to the ride back to Hart then Muskegon but the time was spent talking politics on the ride back to Hartm which is like mother’s milk to me.
Next morning (Sat) and I was up early blogging and doing a lot of stuff on the Muskegon Patriot site. Our meeting is coming up this Tues the 27th at Whitlow’s banquet room at 7:00. A busy agenda is in store. This is the meeting to get candidates up for an election to be held at our following meeting May 11th, at the same time and place. The meeting this Tues is to continue our process of organizing activities and groups.
We are becoming a group, so far we're working through our growing pains.
Sat afternoon was dedicated to helping the Punter campaign in starting up an ambitious door to door campaign. Fred Bertsch on his way down from Whitehall picked me up at 12:30 and off we went to Ravenna.
Ken and Kay kicked off this drive in Ravenna as it is their home turf. This was just a start in this effort to cover the whole county. This was a test run to see if the system worked. Door to door is actually knocking on doors and talking with the people about Ken and asking for their support while handing them some literature. We also if appropriate ask if they’d be interested in putting a Punter sign in their yard when the time comes.
I’m pretty new to this but seemed to have caught on pretty quickly. Kay had a script for us, to help us get over the nervousness, but the people were so friendly that I soon didn’t need the script. I was happy to see the large number of signs people wanted.
Ken bought our lunch at Ravenna Round Table LLC, 12396 Stafford Street, Ravenna - (231) 853-2106; a nice clean family owned restaurant with a touch of class.
Afterwards, it was back to Ken and Kay’s home where we plotted some strategy and tweaked our door to door and lit drop plans. Fred and I got our marching orders for lit drops in our respective areas. I have to say here that Kay, acting as her husband’s campaign manager is pretty awesome in what she has accomplished with limited resources. She is doing what another campaign would hire 1 or 2 extra staff to do.
This isn’t hit or miss or slipshod either. She has gone to several campaign training events across the state. She has learned and is networked throughout the district. She spends all day on the campaign. She knew nothing about campaigns to start and now is, well a professional, without the pay of course.
She has had Ken attending every chicken fry or public gathering throughout the district on a daily basis. It is starting to work. I saw when we were going door to door that Ken is in his element just plain talking with the voters. His honesty and integrity are coming to the fore.
They are raising money and dipping into their own pocket. They are dedicated. I am impressed with how frugal both Kay and Ken have been and what they have accomplished with so little letting their war chest keep ahead of their spending.
I wouldn't mind seeing more of that in Lansing.
At this point I’d like to make a plea for volunteers to help their efforts. Money is always nice LOL. What we need now however is “boots on the ground”. The Primary is coming up. Ken Punter and Holly Hughes are the two Republicans in the race for the 91st House Seat. Go to my Candidate page and look for their websites.
Make up your own mind.
I’ve made up mine obviously. Ken Punter’s motto is “People over Politics”. He brings a fresh alternative to “politics as usual” to this race. There is a clear choice.
I’ve learned in my short time blogging and playing around the edges of politics that helping a campaign is rewarding in a character building type of way. This is how I get to put my words into practice. This is how I try to keep myself honest.
Candidates in general are always needing volunteers, full or part time. Look through my Candidate page linked above and pick on you like and volunteer. They will take any kind of offer to help seriously. If you want to help once for an event or if you want to become their constant companion (LOL) they will welcome you.
In a campaign every minute of a Candidates time is valuable and called for. Candidates understand how valuable your time is and will thank you for donating it to them.
It’s a personal thing.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative